CPFC DSA Constitution

Crystal Palace Football Club Disabled Supporters Association Constitution

1. Name

The name of the organisation is the Crystal Palace FC Disabled Supporters Association (from now on referred to as CPFCDSA).

2. Objectives


To enable its members to share a common interest in Crystal Palace Football Club (from now on referred to as CPFC) and any matter concerning disabled supporters.


To promote the welfare of all supporters by the following means; by promoting and encouraging the sharing of information and good practice in relation to disabled people attending football matches and by representing and promoting the views of members to appropriate individuals and bodies to influence in a positive way future developments, awareness and access for disabled people.

3. Membership


Membership is open to any disabled person or any individual who feels that they may be able to contribute to the objectives of the CPFCDSA and support disabled people.


Honorary membership may be proposed and seconded by fully paid up members of the CPFCDSA. Election of such memberships requires a simple majority of the members at the Annual General Meeting (from now on referred to as the AGM).


Applications for membership will be considered by the Management Committee (from now on referred to as the MC).

Applications will be dealt with at the earliest possible MC meeting. The MC has the right to refuse applications if the applicant does not agree to abide by the principles and rules of the CPFCDSA or is deemed not to be suitable as far as the interests of the CPFCDSA are concerned.


Members may be subject to disciplinary action or have their membership terminated if it is deemed that he or she has brought the CPFCDSA into disrepute, or that their continued membership is not in the interests of the CPFCDSA. Disciplinary action and any termination of membership will be dealt with by the MC. A member will have the right to be heard, to appeal the decision or call an EGM (in accordance with 5.6) to challenge any such decision and an independent arbitrator may be called upon to advise in difficult cases.


Initially members will not be charged, however the DSA reserves the right to introduce a fee due to costs incurred for the running of the DSA. The fee will be determined and agreed by the Management Committee and introduced on an agreed date.

The annual membership fee for the CPFCDSA will then be determined by the Members voting at the AGM having regard to the recommendation by the appointed Treasurer as to the appropriate fee.

4. Management Committee


The MC shall comprise of five members who will be elected at the AGM and where possible include the following office bearers and posts. Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Social Media Co-Ordinator. The posts will be held for 1 year with elections to be held at annual AGM. The current committee as of July 2024 consists of Bruce Muirhead (Chair & Membership), TBC (Vice Chair & Secretary), Sharon Chantrey (Treasurer), Lyndsey Simpson (Press & Player liaison officer) and Ian Stratton (Social Media Co-Ordinator) 


The MC shall have the authority to co-opt replacements onto the MC if needs arise before the next AGM. This will be by a majority vote of the MC and such co-opted members will have the same voting rights as those elected at the AGM.



In the event that less than five members are available to serve on the MC members may hold more than one post with the exception of the Chairperson. However they will continue to have one vote only.



In the event that more than five members are willing to serve on the MC members may be elected to serve without portfolio, i.e. with full voting rights without holding one of the offices or posts as listed under point 4.1.


5. Meetings & Events



CPFCDSA will hold at least quarterly MC meetings at times and venues to be agreed by those elected and published in advance by the Secretary.



The AGM of the CPFCDSA be held at the end of the football season each year at a date and time to be set by the MC. The Secretary will set the agenda in conjunction with the Chairperson which will be distributed to members at least 7 days in advance along with a copy of the previous year’s audited account and minutes of the last AGM.



At the AGM, the Chairperson will ask the members to approve the previous year’s minutes. The Chairperson will also present an annual report to the members summarising the activities for the previous year and proposing the future direction and development of the CPFCDSA.



The Treasurer will present the audited accounts for the previous financial year at the AGM which will be held 12 months from previous AGM with a statement from the elected auditor as to whether the accounts were found to be in good order or otherwise.



The Chairperson will ask the members to approve the audited accounts and to elect an auditor for the coming year at the AGM.



The quorum for MC meetings of the CPFCDSA will be at least 3 or 50% of elected MC members (whichever is the greater). For AGMs and EGMs and including the MC quorum at least 10 full members must be present. (Under review peding recruitment)



A decision on any matter arising will be based on members proposals to the meeting which must be seconded with any subsequent vote decided by a simple majority with the exception of items covered be sections 10.1, 11.1 and 11.2.



At all meetings every member is entitled to one vote with the Chairperson or Acting Chairperson having a casting vote only in the event of the number of votes cast being tied. 



An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time upon a written signed request by at least ten CPFCDSA members and sent to the Secretary stating the nature of the business to be discussed.


6. Minutes



The Secretary shall ensure that minutes are kept of every meeting which will be available and distributed as soon as possible after the meeting to all members by mail or email. The MC will ensure that accessible formats are available on request and within the limitations of CPFCDSA resources.



Members may have sight of the accounts or any business transaction carried out by the CPFCDSA upon written request to the Secretary.


7. Sub-Committees



The MC may appoint one or more Sub-Committees from members of the CPFCDSA to deal with specific issues concerning the CPFCDSA from time to time. These said Sub-Committees will be directly accountable to the MC and any such decision of such sub-committee shall be subject to ratification by the MC.


8. Finance



The Treasurer shall ensure that detailed financial records are kept in a ledger and that all the CPFCDSA receipts and payments are correctly entered therein. The Chair or Acting Chair and Treasurer will jointly review these records monthly, checking all invoices, receipts and bank and savings accounts statements. (Under review due to Covid regulations)



The Treasurer shall ensure that one or more Bank accounts be opened in the name of the CPFCDSA and 2 signatures including the Treasurer and at least one of the office bearers namely the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or Secretary shall be required in order to draw funds from CPFCDSA bank or savings accounts.



An updated CPFCDSA statement of accounts should be presented at each MC meeting and the accounts will be available for review by any member upon written request.



The CPFCDSA annual statement of accounts shall be subject to audit with the auditor to be appointed at the AGM.



Approval of any expenditure shall be required by at least two officers of the MC.


9. Record Keeping:



The Secretary and Treasurer will retain all correspondence and in the case of non-financial those records will be kept for a minimum of 3 years with financial documents kept for a minimum of 5 years.


10. Alteration to the Constitution:



The Constitution can only be altered by a majority vote of the members at an AGM or EGM. Any alteration will require the approval of a two thirds majority of members present before being implemented.



An individual member’s proposal to alter the constitution must be seconded and delivered in writing to the Secretary of the CPFCDSA not less than twenty eight days before the date of the AGM. Alternatively an EGM may be requested (as described in 5.6) to consider an alteration to the Constitution.



The MC may propose to alter the constitution providing it has already been approved in principle at a MC meeting not less than twenty eight days before the date of the AGM.



The wording of any proposed alteration shall be fully distributed to all members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting at which it is to be considered.


11. Dissolution:



If the MC decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the CPFCDSA, it shall call an EGM of all CPFCDSA members giving not less than twenty eight days notice. Such a decision must be confirmed by a two thirds majority of those voting members present and provided that there is a quorum of at least 10 members.



Any property or funds belonging to the CPFCDSA will be distributed based on the most appropriate method as decided at the dissolution meeting.


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