Crystal Palace Supporters Childrens Charity

The Charity is run by a group of Crystal Palace supporters who raise funds to hire a box each season at Selhurst Park to enable children with special needs and their carers to watch Crystal Palace matches in a safe environment. We also organise an annual Christmas party for around 120 children.


More about the CPSCC

Since 1969 a Christmas party has been held at Selhurst Park for local disabled children, initially organised by the staff at CPFC. In 1997, when the Club was forced into administration, many of the CPFC staff were made redundant and it was thought that there would no longer be a party. Crystal Palace supporters rallied round and raised some money to make sure that the tradition continued. There were enough donations, after the party, so it was decided to hire an Executive Box at Selhurst Park for one season.
The good news is both the party and the hiring of an Executive Box have continued ever since thanks to the generosity of many Crystal Palace supporters.
In 2010 we changed our name to Crystal Palace Supporters Children’s Charity.
We provide a few hours of joy for disabled/disadvantaged children and their carers each Christmas with a fabulous Party where the children are served their party tea by the players and coaching staff before Santa arrives with a sack of gifts for each child.
Plus, up to 9 children enjoy matches in the Executive Box where they can watch home games in safety and comfort.
There are no paid members of the Charity, everyone is a volunteer.
Our patron is the actor, Bill Nighy, a lifelong Palace fan.

Santa and a festive Alice the Eagle at a christmas party

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Crystal Palace Supporters Childrens Charity
CPFC DSA Sponsored Cycle Ride 2024
CPFC DSA Sponsored Cycle Ride 2024
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